Are the measures taken to battle COVID-19 leading to a much bigger Crisis?

What if the measures taken to handle the corona virus outbreak result with a much bigger crisis?  One that it’ll take years to recover from and with an insurmountable cost. If leaders will continue with the current measures, and won’t change now, we may find ourselves in the day after fighting for survival.    What […]

3 Signs that your business is Fragile

We, people, have a innate quality that brings us to ignore the fact that we are mortal. We live with that, and not just accept it, but mostly live as if it can never happen to us. This is a quality, because it allows us to live our lives without being preoccupied with that fact […]

Volatile times mandate appropriate strategies

We live in volatile times. External circumstances are changing ever so rapidly and dramatically. These changes are totally out of our control, mostly unexpected and often carry meaningful effects; effects that can easily bring a company to its knees.   In addition to this reality there are two psychological phenomena that are important to consider; […]