VUCA is not a reason, and you can immunize yourself against it

Business reality is becoming ever more challenging, hectic, fast-paced. Things keep changing and rapidly. It effects everyone and anyone, even those large immensely successful organizations, even those that are part of the “new-era” economy such as Asus. Sadly this fact becomes an excuse, an accepted explanations to the undesired, dissatisfying even disappointing results companies are […]

Be different- it is the only way to stand out

Every for-profit company is a financial asset owned by shareholders. This financial asset has a special attribute – it’s value can be constantly improved. When shareholders assign a CEO for their company, they are expecting the CEO to enhance the value of the asset. Even if this clarity of definition is not used, this is […]

You probably do not have a competitive advantage, What should you do so you do have it?

For-profit companies are endlessly chasing the holy grail – competitiveness. Reaching a situation in which they are able to tilt customers preference to their products or services in comparison to those offered by their competitors. These efforts, sometimes are successful, however – seldomly. Why do I claim it is seldom?   How would one evaluate […]