Managerial Decisions making then and Today

Recently I had a discussion with a group of business leaders that were exploring ways to improve the performance of their companies. I had given a presentation and following the presentation we had a talk. The discussion took off from the content of the presentation but took a “life of its own” leading what seemed […]

Делать больше меньшими ресурсами

Неделю назад мне посчастливилось побеседовать с коммерческим директором крупного производителя продуктов питания. Компания постоянно росла как органически, так и через сделки слияний и поглощений. В результате постоянно расширялся продуктовый портфель и росло количество категорий, управляемых коммерческой службой. Объем задач коммерческой функции также постоянно рос: ввод новых продуктов, проведение рекламных кампаний, оптимизация продуктового портфеля, взаимодействие с […]

Do more with less

читать по русски A week ago, I had the privilege to chat with a commercial director of a large food producer. The company experienced a continuous growth both organic and through M&A’s. As a result, there is a constant growth in their product portfolio, and categories managed by the commercial team. The complexity of the […]