Saving money or Making money?

As a management consultant working with top management worldwide for many years, I constantly meet management teams that are immersed with the quest of reducing cost. It is common for top management to have a yearly goal of cost reduction and for all levels of management to be investing effort in finding ways for meeting […]

Managerial Decisions making then and Today

Recently I had a discussion with a group of business leaders that were exploring ways to improve the performance of their companies. I had given a presentation and following the presentation we had a talk. The discussion took off from the content of the presentation but took a “life of its own” leading what seemed […]

Changing Value Perception

I’ve been working with a customer for a while now on an assignment designed to grow sales and profitability. It started with reorganizing the manufacturing and within a short while the company realized a meaningful jump in their performance; production lead time went down from 28 days to 10, and reliability from about 70% to […]

Делать больше меньшими ресурсами

Неделю назад мне посчастливилось побеседовать с коммерческим директором крупного производителя продуктов питания. Компания постоянно росла как органически, так и через сделки слияний и поглощений. В результате постоянно расширялся продуктовый портфель и росло количество категорий, управляемых коммерческой службой. Объем задач коммерческой функции также постоянно рос: ввод новых продуктов, проведение рекламных кампаний, оптимизация продуктового портфеля, взаимодействие с […]

Do more with less

читать по русски A week ago, I had the privilege to chat with a commercial director of a large food producer. The company experienced a continuous growth both organic and through M&A’s. As a result, there is a constant growth in their product portfolio, and categories managed by the commercial team. The complexity of the […]

Realize and sustain Exceptional Performance

The Corona virus has brought the world economy to an almost complete stop. The result has been fatal to many businesses and many others are still struggling and may find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. For many of these businesses, effectively navigating the turbulent crisis period is likely to enable them to survive the […]

From Crisis to Growth

The Corona virus business crisis results with many businesses, globally facing a survival threatening reality; some are facing a total stop of their business while many others are experiencing a sharp decline in their revenues. The longer the situation continues, the more severe will the impact on businesses be.   As painful as the situation […]

Are the measures taken to battle COVID-19 leading to a much bigger Crisis?

What if the measures taken to handle the corona virus outbreak result with a much bigger crisis?  One that it’ll take years to recover from and with an insurmountable cost. If leaders will continue with the current measures, and won’t change now, we may find ourselves in the day after fighting for survival.    What […]

3 Signs that your business is Fragile

We, people, have a innate quality that brings us to ignore the fact that we are mortal. We live with that, and not just accept it, but mostly live as if it can never happen to us. This is a quality, because it allows us to live our lives without being preoccupied with that fact […]

The Fallacy Of Business Opportunities

Companies, and their leaders are constantly engaged with two challenging tasks – grow the top line, do it profitably. To achieve the first one companies try and have in their possession products and services that they can offer to their market that answer the market needs, or even anticipate needs to be answered, they then […]